September 2024

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“Practice” Spinning

During the last few months I have been trying to really practice at my spinning.  So the results of practicing since about July ending up like this:

green-handspun-1 Green/Orange Blend – I really have to take some more serious notes on what type of fiber, but as I was just “practicing”, I was spinning with whatever I had or could get my hands on, not thinking that I would actually use it for anything because I was just “practicing”.  Well this blend of light green/dark/green/orange spun up into a fairly thick 2 -ply, which I knitted into a cowl neck scarf for my daughter for Christmas.


Blue Blend – This was spun on weekends up in the Catskills, also a 2-ply mid weight.  It was knitted into a pair of Maine Morning Mitts for my daughter-in-law also for Christmas.

60-40-border-lieceser-angora-0021 60/40 Border Leicester/Angora – This blend was spun into a lighter 2-ply about sport weight & then knitted into a scarf for my niece’s dearest friend.

I will post pictures of the finished objects as soon as I can get out to my other computer where I have these pictures stored.  It has turned into a frozen tundra around here this weekend and I would have to blast the heater in my studio if I dared to venture out into the cold, brrrr…..

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